
Subject matter thought leadership

Your subject matter expertise doesn't just make you good at your job. Your earned insights can market you in a unique way that makes you stand out in your field.

Thought leadership is not about knowing everything

Adjust your perspective towards the idea of “not knowing.” A child does not know what dark matter is. Neither do the astrophysicists at CERN. The two levels of “not knowing” aren’t the same. The CERN physicists are still renowned experts who continue to smack particles together and publish papers about what they find. 

Consider, also, the nature of “expertise.” It’s not about being omniscient. It’s about having a deep understanding of a subject built through years of knowledge, experience, and unrelenting curiosity. History’s greatest thinkers never proclaimed to know everything about their areas of study—but what did know, they shared. The resulting discourse shaped history, drove progress, and created the world we live in today. 

We encourage you to let go of this idea that you need to know everything, and instead to embrace the timeless intellectual traditions of searching, learning, questioning, iterating, discussing, and discovering. Enjoy the eureka moments, bask in the glow of those who share your ideas, take in stride the moments where new discoveries might disturb your existing knowledge, and keep putting yourself out there.

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