Community engagement

Let's explore ways to engage with your business community. Let's make your online presence come to life and reflect the value you deliver in the real world.

Community engagement

Does it feel like you’re shouting into a void when you create and publish content?

Are you hearing crickets when you use social media or publish content?

It sounds like you need a community strategy.

Whether you are a well known business or just starting out, word of mouth is still very important to become the go-to business for what you do. You can only get it if you are active and respected in the community your business serves.

That’s where we come in. We can find places where you should be networking online or in person, advise you on what to say and who to talk to. The goal is to become an authority on a subject and a trusted professional for it.

Here’s our community engagement process:

1. We help define your key messages and use them effectively 

How do we do that? By getting to know the pain points and goals of your target audience and creating content that addresses them. Like the expression, “Hit them where it hurts,” we help you in putting the right message out there in order to reach your ideal customer.

2. We create value for your ideal customer through the content and increased engagement.

How do we do that? We work with you to determine who will find your product and content valuable and we then implement a strategy to showcase that value.

3. We create content that is helpful and valuable instead of salesy.

How do we do that? We write and publish organic content that engages people with subject matter that they care about instead of trying to do a hard sell. It’s all about helping a community instead of broadcasting your wishes.

4. We make you visible in the right places with the right people

How do we do that? We implement a content strategy optimized for and favoured by the algorithm. This means that even if you have very few followers, the content we create and publish can still reach who it needs to reach.

Focusing on community can be a challenging concept to make concrete but we have seen it become a successful robust strategy for tons of different clients. Book an introductory call if you'd like to discuss how we could design a community marketing strategy tailored for your specific business needs. Book your call now.

Maximize brand impact

Grow your reach and drive demand with strategic content marketing and copywriting.