Level up your networking game with thought leadership

Level up your networking game with thought leadership
Founder, CEO - Community & Company
April 30, 2024
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In most industries, the secret to making it big isn’t just about kicking ass at what you do—it’s about having great marketing and networking into your industry.

You’ve probably noticed that the people in your industry who land the biggest clients or secure top leadership roles tend to be excellent networkers. They rarely pass up the opportunity for a friendly exchange of ideas with others and they always have a great sense of which people to connect with. People gravitate toward them, eager to introduce them to their own contacts or get their take on the issue of the day.

This kind of networking has been around for a long, long time—probably at least since traders first started lugging their wares between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley, five thousand or so years ago. But as times, technologies and social customs have changed, so too have the secrets of successful networking.

Your fast pass to better networking? Thought leadership

At this point, you might be thinking, “Okay, I get it. LinkedIn.” 

And, sure, having these kinds of interactions on LinkedIn is important. Here’s the thing—if you treat LinkedIn as just another online networking platform, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. 

LinkedIn’s real value to your networking game is that it gives you the opportunity to publish thought leadership content. 

Thought leadership as a formalized concept is much newer than networking. Most people agree the term was coined by American economist Joel Kurtzman in 1994, but it’s only in the last fifteen years or so that the concept has gone mainstream. In fact, it’s gotten so big that there’s now backlash against the term, which some people see as self-aggrandizing business jargon.

Maybe you’re one of those people, or maybe you just feel that you lack the professional standing to offer your network your earned insights (which, FYI, you definitely don’t—ignore that pesky voice telling you you aren’t good enough). 

Regardless of what you think of the term itself, there’s no denying that expertise-based thought leadership can be rocket fuel for networking in a few ways.  

Flex your expertise in a way that’s impossible in conversation

In professional circles, genuine expertise is a magnet. Once peers and potential clients know you have it and are happy to share it, they’ll be drawn toward you when they see you across a room. 

It’s frustratingly difficult, however, to develop that magnetic property. Unless you’ve already established yourself as an expert, in-person networking events offer much less scope for you to fully flex your expertise. Face-to-face interactions are by nature give and take, a delicate balancing act of offering your opinion without utterly dominating the conversation.

On LinkedIn, however, the people who keep racking up views, comments, follows and connections are the ones leading discussions and providing quality content. They generate engagement by insightfully dissecting big issues, providing missing nuances, or surfacing hidden insights or counterarguments. They offer substance that’s generally too complex and granular for social conversation but is perfect for a written post or a video.

Showcase your expertise, and you’ll boost your visibility within your network and cultivate the trust that’s vital to strong professional relationships.

Generate opportunities for conversations… and more

The benefits of publishing thought leadership content don’t stop at online interactions. Write something that gains widespread traction on LinkedIn, and you can bet that the next time you’re at an industry event, you’ll have a few readers who want to pick your brains about it. The more thought-provoking content you post, the more magnetic you’ll become in the real world.

The more you engage in these conversations, the more doors open—you might find yourself receiving invitations to sit on panels, moderate discussions, speak at events, or contribute to publications. Collaborators might begin reaching out to you to discuss potential projects, or mentees might seek you out to learn from you and support your work.  

These conversations and activities ultimately translate into a receptive audience that’s ready to either build a professional relationship with you or purchase your services. 

Pre-qualify leads and attract like-minded connections

Real-life networking at social events can be a bit of a crapshoot—a lot of it involves talking to strangers who might never become an active part of your network. You exchange information, set up a call… and then nothing comes of it. Maybe your professional interests don’t align, or maybe your values don’t. Maybe you just don’t click personally.

The beauty of bringing thought leadership into your networking is that it essentially qualifies your leads ahead of time—meaning that the people that approach you are already likely to be a good fit for your network.

Bear in mind, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to agree with you all the way—there’s value in having peers and collaborators with diverse perspectives. But if someone wants to work with you, chances are they respect and value your expertise and insights, and the partnership is likely to be both productive and mutually beneficial.

Take the leap and turn expertise into networking success

Networking has evolved over the millennia, but its core principles remain unchanged. It's still about connecting, sharing, and growing. Thought leadership is a powerful tool that amplifies these principles in the digital sphere.

It offers professionals a unique way to exhibit their expertise, become magnets for meaningful conversations and connect with individuals who genuinely resonate with their perspectives. 

Embrace thought leadership, harness its power, and watch as your network expands and leads roll in.

Curious to learn more about how you can turn your expertise into content that gets you connected? Get in touch and let’s chat about your content goals. 

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Subject matter thought leadership
Founder, CEO - Community & Company

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